The wisdom behind the legislation of Naskh 

by Hana Arisesa

Naskh is Arabic word from (نسخ) which there are several meanings such us copy, reproduction, transcription, reproduce, transcribe. But the meaning linguistically is obliterate, efface, cancel, annul. The evidence of the meaning can be found in Quran such as Soorah Al-Hajj verse 52:

“And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke [or recited] Satan threw into it [some misunderstanding] But Allah abolished that which Satan throws in; then Allah makes precise His verses. And Allah is Knowing and Wise” [Translation by Sahih International]

Here Nasakh is translated by abolish. But, in syariah Nasakh has meaning cancellation of a Sharee'ah ruling (hukm) by a Sharee’ah evidence (daleel) later than it. Some of people deny that naskh can occur in syariah, but according the Quran itself Allah says:

“Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things?” (Translation by M Mamduke W)

So according to this verse, Allah himself that there is naskh in Quran so claim some people that naskh is irrational can be refuted.

According to Islamic history, there are some verses, which well known as example of Abrogation, such us the prohibition of khamr and the changing direction of Qibla. This process can be understood because of the wisdom from lawgiver, showing step by step ability to carry His Law. According to (Ali) there some attack in issues of abrogation

To refute this claim, that logically Allah as Lawgiver is impossible to forget. He can make the rule and also cancel the rule. All of this is on His authority.

Their allegation that abrogation mean contradiction among verses in the Quran, is blatantly lies to the last Revelation from Allah. In fact, there was a challenge to everyone to make verses which similar to Quran. Until know, there is no one can win with this challenge. Allah Himself give guarantee that there is contradiction in Quran.

According to Quran and Hadeeth, that The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the best of human in the earth. He is a perfect example for all human, applying perfectly Quran in his life. If the Prophet lie as suspected by enemy of Islam, what about others? Who is the right human to spread the message of Allah? Is Allah doing the wrong decision? And the answer is Allah has wisdom for all of that.

It is agreement in this ummah, that the companion of the Prophet is the best people who chosen to accompany the best human. In addition, itself, has confirm of the testify of this generation. They have help and support the Prophet in his life with wealth, time, even soul. How can they make betrayal to this religion? This claim can be rejected totally.

The refutation to some attacks about Naskh as follow:

Quran is revealed gradually almost 23 years. And verses which talked about law is about 400-600 verses. Sometime law verses is applicable in in suitable condition, and then as the condition change come abrogated version in later. According to the Quran, that abrogated verses will be replaced with the better one or at least similar to them.

His reason can be seen in the example abrogation of Khamr prohibition. If the Prohibition of Khamr in the one single time directly, maybe there are many companions which cannot do this rule.

Explaining about this point, is it shown that with the existence of abrogation, it is indicate that Islam is the last religion. If Islam not the last religion, it is possible that the abrogation will come with the next shariah. We can see through the fact that there are many religion before Islam which

The famous examples in the issues of abrogation in about the rules of alcohol. Before Islam came, alcohol in pre-Islamic society is common drink among them. The drink of alcohol is ingrained in their life. As Islam come to change this type of people, it is not wise if the prohibition of the alcohol come in final verses. So it come into four stage step of prohibition, at first alcohol is permissible drink, then change to something that discourage. In the third steps, Alcohol is prohibited before prayer, and the last is totally prohibited and rules haram for the believer.  It is possible that all people will not do it this is reported from companion. But, Allah with His Wisdom, know the condition of His servant. He give four step for the prohibition of Khamr (Wine, alcohol etc) after faith has been ingrained in their life.

If we want to compare the refutation with logical reasoning, let us give one example. We can see in school education such us Senior High school that student in each level can be applied with different rules. Usually, the first-grade student in mathematic lesson, prohibited to bring calculator in everyday assignment, mid, and final test. In others side, calculator can be used by third grade student in their mathematic lesson. In the term of abrogation, The School make abrogate rules to their student. They cancel the difficult law for the first-grade student and change to easy rules when them in the third grade. Reasoning behind this, is injustice from the school itself, rather than it one of the wisdoms for the school for preparing student with correct steps.

Another example which logically abrogation is can be accepted that example of the doctors who want give medicine to their patient, they will give easy medicine according to the situation of the illness. The step by step procedure for the specific illness is similar to the idea of abrogation, so in conclusion logically abrogation can be accepted by logical thinking. But for those who as enemy of Islam and want to destroy Islam, using this issues to make doubtful Muslim in general. Although, the discussion about abrogation has been debated from long time ago among past scholar in Islamic knowledge.


Ali, A. (n.d.). Abrogation and It's Continued Relevance to Contemporary Muslim Society.

Philip, A. A. (n.d.). Usool at-Tafseer.

Talat, Makhmoor (n.d.), “Abrogation in the Quran: Refutation of a theory denying it and wisdom behind its existence