The Satanic Verses in Islamic History

by Hana Arisesa

In the time of Islamic history, there was events that attracted the Western Scholar to analyzed due to their agendas. One of the events is about Satanic verses. It has been recorded in the early Islamic history book. Many non-muslim scholars has been tried to explore, analyze, and discuses regarding this matter. In the modern day, theses verses seem to be one weapon to attack the Islamic belief. In this report, I mainly discussed the history of the Satanic verses, briefly. Then, I talk about the passion of the Islamic Scholar in the time of the history.

Allah, The Exalted He, said: “They (the disbelievers, the Jews, and the Christians) want to extinguish Allah’s Light (with which Muhammad, peace be upon him, has been sent- Islamic monotheism) with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that  His Light should be perfected even though the Kafirun (disbelievers) hate (it).”[1]

From the time of the prophet until modern time, the disbelieving idolators and people of the Scriptures want to extinguish the light of Allah. They try numerous ways to attack the Islam softly and blatantly. Sometimes they try to criticism the Islamic belief using enormous tools, they created, some of them degrade the Islamic scholars and the pious person, even the prophet did not escape from their attack. They try to wordly discussed the misunderstanding events in the Islamic history to prove the incorrectness Islam according to their desire. They develop new tools to analyze those problem to support their conclusion. Even, they try to collect the minority argument of the Islamic Scholars to support their standing position. Of the example of that, is regarding the interpretation of Quran in chapter 53 verses 19. Which well known as satanic verses.

Chapters 93 is Sūrat an-Najm (The Star) revealed in Mecca. It contains 62 verses and tells about the foundation  of Islamic belief such as the God, Angle Gabriel, and the condition of the idolators. This Sūrat  has huge attention, especially from the Orientalist due to two reasons. First, it contains what they call the satanic verses, and second it includes the most elaborate Qur'anic account of a visionary encounter between the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an's divine [2]. The satanic verses are discussion regarding the interpretation of the verses 19 and 20 of this Sūrat. However, this term is not well known by the Islamic Scholars. In Islamic literature, it known as qiṣṣat al-gharānīq (Story of the Cranes) [3]. But, according to the western orientalist history, the person who coined this term is Sir William Muir, the famous Scottish Orientalist,  in his book “Life of Mahomet (1858)”. In the Islamic history, it can be found on al-Tabari’s book (Tarīkh ar-Rusul wal-Maluk,), one of the early leading Islamic historians, about the Satan interjection on these verses by intercessory power of pre-Arabian Deities . After that, repealed in the verses 51 and 52 on the same chapter. In addition,  the satanic verses also popular with the Salman Rushdie’s Novel (1989) which create huge demonstration of Islamic communities around the world. [4]

The satanic verses text

The satanic verses are verses prompted by the Satan into the Prophet after he is reciting  verse 19. However, its texts are different in translations. One said, “Those are the high-flying cranes whose intercession is to be hoped for [5]”, or “these are the high-flying cranes whose intercession is sought [6]”, “These are the high-flying cranes; verily their intercession is accepted with approval [7]”, and “Indeed, they are as high-flying cranes! And, indeed, intercession (with God) is hoped for [8]”.

The story begins during Mecca periodicity. The detailed events occurred when the Prophet allegedly recited the satanic verses during His recitation of the Quran in the front of the Pagans of Quraysh. This happened due to the Satan insert to the satanic verses into the Prophet, so he mistakenly promulgated as a divine revelation. Although, the other verses after that were revealed as correction as nullifying the Satan interpolation (Sūrat an-Hajj [22) : 52]).

Briefly saying, first of all, as Muslim we know that the Quran as divine revelation, has been preserved forever. Quran which we recite today as same as which has been recited by the Prophet 14 century ago, with no mistakes, no error, and in the perfect form. This supported by the Quran itself. Allah says: “Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)”[9]. Second, the disputation concerning this matter  is exhaled by the enemy of Islam, especially the Western Orientalist to attack the Islam, to spread the doubt, and other their hidden agendas. However, Due their massive project, we need defend the Islam to show them the Islam as the only true religion.  The Islamic scholars, past and present, have already discussed about this, such as Ibn Taimiyyah, Ibn Katseer, Maududi Abdullah, and Muhammed Salih al-Munajjid.

The Islamic Scholar opinions

Looking into more detail, the talk about the satanic verses implies some urgent topics regarding Islamic belief. The majority of modern muslim scholars were rejecting the historicity of the satanic verses narratives due two reasons, the weak isnad and the first issue deal about ‘ișmah (Protection). We need suspicious to the Western orientalists who try to attack the Prophet personality as the first gate to degrade the Islamic belief through the concept of ‘ișmah. What is the concept of ‘ișmah in the view orthodox Islamic scholars? The principle of ‘ișmah has been great discussion in Islamic history.

Regarding the satanic verses, the major opinion of Islamic scholars rejects it due to the violation about the concept of ‘ișmah. And this seems to be called orthodox opinion. But, Ibn Taimiyyah, one of the prominent Islamic scholars in the 7-8 century, has different opinion about these verses. He accepted the historicity of the satanic verses. Shahab 1998 has reported about the Ibn Taimiyyah opinion about this matter. It is understandable that Ibn Taimiyyah acknowledge the satanic verses due to his different argument about the ‘ișmah meaning. According Ibn Taimiyyah, the meaning of ‘ișmah of the Prophets is their protection, not from committing sin and error, but rather from persisting in them once committed. However, this opinion has been criticized the many Islamic scholar and not popular opinion in modern days [11].

Several famous of Ibn Taimiyyah’s pupil like Ibn Qayyim, Al-Dzahabī, and Ibn Kathīr did not accept these verses. Muhammad ibn Mufliḥ also reject his opinion due to the different concept with Ibn Taimiyyah’s ‘ișmah meaning. In the modern era, some scholars also refute the Ibn Taimiyyah’s opinion about these verses. Muhammad Rashād Sālim (1969) is one of then in his critical edition of the Minhaj. One refutation also has been introduced by the Azharī shaykh Manșur Muhammad 'Uwayș on Ibn Taimiyyah’s opinion about ‘ișmah. The opinion of everyone can be rejected except the opinion of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Likewise, no exception on Ibn Taimiyyah’s opinion. Regardless the opinion of Ibn Taimiyyah who accept the satanic verses, it can not be used to make doubt in the Islamic society which seem brought by the Western Orientalist.

The next issue of the rejection of these verses is based on the weak reports. Shahab 1998 said that the number of Satanic verses reports around 18 until 25 reports, depending on how one reckons an independent riwāyah. From this side, there are many past Islamic Scholars who have been made a comment about the validity of the riwāyah. Some of them such as Ibn Kathīr in his tafsir, then Shawkani, a leading Yemeni Islamic Scholar in 19 century, in his book Fath al-Qadeer. Some early Islamic scholars who have similar argument are Ibn Khuzaimah, Baihaqi, Imam Razi, then later Ibn Jawzi.


The satanic verses have attracted numerous Scholars in the history of time. Both Islamic Scholars and non-Islamic Scholar. For Islamic scholars  past and present, have been discussed the satanic verses in the context of knowledge.  Enrich the Islamic heritage of the discussions and refutations. However, for the non-Islamic Scholar, especially the Western Academia, the satanic verses seem to be one may to attack the islam and its followers. They bring new interpretation using their methodologies to enforce their conclusion. Sometimes, they bring minority opinion of the past Islamic Scholar to support their opinion.

One of the examples, when the satanic verses was used to disgrace the Islam occurred in the 1989. Salman Rushdie publish his novel “The Satanic Verses” to criticize the Islam and desacralizing treatment of the Koran as a Literary Intertext. Numerous western Scholars have been stood on this work by supporting and analyzing his novel into many aspects.  Many scholars also have been refuted Salman and some of them give label “heretic” to him.

