The various names for the Last Day

by Hana Arisesa

Islam is a set of belief, rituals of worship, laws, and moral values covering all aspects of life (Sieny, 2012). Allah create human and give them the right path to follow. All Muslim know and have been taught that there six pillars faith in the Islamic teaching: Belief in One True God, belief in His Angles, belief His books, belief the Day of Resurrection and prerecording of the universe’s events: the good of it and the bad. In general, the belief of the last day give us: a calculating, confident, and firm, uncompromising personality (Philips). Whereas, Allah through His Scripture, Koran, tell us there are many names of the last day. So the purpose of these way, not solely without any meaning behind that, moreover, we as believer must catch the lessons of that. Here, this article will explain the various names of the last day and some benefit knowing them, in particular.

1. The Judgment day

This name of the last day name stated in one hadeeth reported by Abu Huraira that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “A bulky person would be brought on the Day of Judgment and he would not carry the weight to the eye of Allah equal even to that of a gnat. Nor shall We set up a balance for them on the Day of Resurrection”. (Ibn al-Hajjaj, 2009). Also Allah says in the Quran Chapter 21 Verses 47, “And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed. We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as accountant” [Sahih International Translation].

The day of Judgment come at 70 times in Quran (Nadwi, 1996), in the Arabic means يوم القيامة which has similar word with stand up قام  , this mean that in the day of judgment All human will be stand up before Allah give His calculating process. This process take will be applied from the first human until the last one. So, for preparing this day human should be make good deed to hiding the difficulties in this Day as reported in a hadeeth as reported Abu Huraira about seven people in the shade of Allah in the Judgment Day narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

2. The home of [permanent] settlement

The other name of the last day is the home of [permanent] settlement which is state in Quran. Allah says about call of His messenger to his people: “O my people, this worldly life is only [temporary] enjoyment, and indeed, the Hereafter – that is the home of [permanent] settlement” [Quran, Ch. 40 Ver. 39, Sahih International Translation].

Allah says that the last day is the true and permanent home and this world today is only temporary home and will be destroyed. Knowing this issue, can make us as preparing with maximal preparation in order to enter the permanent home for His creature. Making a lot of good deeds so Allah can give us the good permanent home in His paradise.


3. The Day of Resurrection

Allah says in His Book, Quran, Chapter 30 Verses 56, “But those who were given knowledge and faith will say, ‘You remained the extent of Allah’s decree until the Day of Resurrection, and this is the day of Resurrection but you did not used to know’.” [Sahih International Translation].

The lesson: Disbelievers argue that the day of resurrection will come. This statement can be found in many places in Quran. Allah answer their doubt by reveal many verses, showing them that they will be resurrected again in the last day. As believers we must undoubtedly that true from Allah, and make preparation for the day of resurrection.

4. The Day of regret

This name as mentioned in Quran, Ch. 19 Ver. 39, Allah says: “And warn them, [O Muhammad], of the Day of regret, when the matter will be concluded, and [yet], They are in [a state of] heedlessness, and they do not believe”.

The lesson: actually the disbelievers in that day will regret his life. They willing if there is a chance to come back again their life, but it is impossible. Everything has been done will be calculated, when they know all their effort is useless they get suffer and the hell is their place. Whereas the believers will happy because Allah give them His mercy. They do all good deeds during their life, they will be inform with good news, and the paradise is their place to life forever. This name of the last day, can be remainder for every believers to stay strong in path of Allah, even though their life is very hard. The regret in this life is nothing compare to the regret in the hereafter as the disbelievers then.

 5. The Day of immortality

For this name Allah says in His revelation: “Enter it in peace. This is the day of immortality” as in Quran Ch. 50 verses number 34. Here the last day also called by the day of immortality. Be sure that this life will be destroyed. There is prove also about the future of this universe scientifically, which someday this universe will be collapse. For the believers the destruction of this universe undoubtedly will be come and will be replace with the day of immortality. So, the lesson for the believers that they used to use their life to perform good deed and avoid everything that can lead them to regret in the last day. Compare to the life in the last day, the life time human is very short. If we don’t not prepare for that day, we can lose everything. 100 years life of a human is cannot be compared to infinity life. This is one of the lesson can be deducted from this name.


Ibn al-Hajjaj, M. (2009). Sahih Muslim. (M. al-Almany, Ed., & A.-a.-H. Siddiqui, Trans.)

Nadwi, A. A. (1996). Vocabulary of the Holy Quran. Chicago: IQRA International Education Foundation.

Philips, A. A. (n.d.). The Clash of Civilization, An Islamic View.

Sieny, S. I. (2012). Controversial Questions About Islam & Comments. Riyadh: Daar Al-Fajr al Islamiyah Press.